PHOTO COMPETITION "Count of May 2023"
Let your imagination run wild - now is the time to implement some of your ideas for which you haven’t had the time, or maybe a a good enough of a reason to implement. Or maybe you already have photos ready but haven't shown them to a wider audience? This is your chance!
We accept photography with characters from films, games, anime, cartoons, visual novels, representations of real historical figures, celebrities, etc.
Contest categories:
1 - Fantasy (images from games, anime or your imagination)
2 - History (historical figures or figures taken from historical films or portraits)
3 - Creative story (photos with a story - funny or serious, depending on your ideas and imagination)
We look forward to receiving your photos and applications for the photo contest to our e-mail address [email protected]
Applications are accepted from 01.01.2023. until 19.05.2023. Registration closes on May 19, 2023
Add the following information to the photo:
1- name, surname
2- nickname
3- photographer
4- category
5- character
6- source
7- short description
Photos will be displayed upon receiving them.
Competition rules:
1) In order to avoid copyright infringement, the photograph requires the consent of both the model and the photographer to be published in the competition
2) The photo must have real people. Photos downloaded from the Internet will be disqualified from participating in the contest
3) By submitting a photo, you agree that the organizers may use the photo for commercial purposes
4) One person can send no more than 3 photos
We wish you good luck and see you at the festival!